
The BOSS4GMES project played a major role in the operationalisation of GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security). The objective of the project was to:

1) support the development of the three fast-track services (ocean, land and emergencies) and analyse the potential for synergies between current GMES services
2) define, study and test options for the most appropriate funding mechanisms, business models and organisational structures, mainly for the three fast-track services, and check how these findings can be applied to other GMES services.
3) Build awareness of, and support for, the fast-track services and GMES amongst all its potential stakeholders in Europe and beyond.
The goal of BOSS4GMES was also to leverage the knowledge and experience of many existing service providers and users, augmented by experts in the fields of financial and organisational analysis and in communications/lobbying to ensure that the project aims are met.


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